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Friday, June 5, 2009

Freebies: Medieval Backgrounds

***Go to THIS post to see how to use my backgrounds!***

I made these especially for Earwen, but anyone can have them! And just to let you know, for some reason, on MY computer everything is off-centered, but on the laptop, everything is fine!

Dark Floral:

Direct Link:

Dark Floral Matching Header:

Castle Background:

It has a dragon, and at the bottom, there is a castle wall. Go here to my test blog to see the whole thing! If you want to see it all, GO FAST, because I'll probably be making more backgrounds later today or tomorrow and I'll have to test them!!!

Direct Link:

Castle Background Matching Header:

And of course, I can change anything you want! Don't like the black scrolls under the scroll? I can get rid of it! I can also change font, color, and size!

If you like them, Earwen, contact me and I'll put your text in one! It was fun making these!!!


Questions? Comments? Feel free to leave either!

~Emily Joy